Entries by Hailiang Huang

“Fine-mapping across diverse ancestries drives the discovery of putative causal variants underlying human complex traits and diseases” published in Nature Genetics

Statistical fine-mapping helps narrow down a GWAS hit to a smaller set of potentially causal genetic variants and works well on data from relatively homogeneous populations. Kai Yuan, Tian Ge, Hailiang Huang, and colleagues have developed a technique, SuSiEx, for cross-population fine-mapping. The method integrates data from multiple ancestries, models population specific allele frequencies and […]

Kai Yuan was awarded the K99/R00 award from NIMH

NIMH awarded Dr. Kai Yuan a K99/R00 award: Whole chromosome fine-mapping integrating diverse ancestries for psychiatric disorders. Statistical fine-mapping identifies a handful of putative causal variants from hundreds of GWAS loci for psychiatric disorders, but current findings are primarily based on analysis of the European cohort, leading to bias in causal genetic variant discovery and […]

New members onboard materials

The 2023 ATGU welcome workshop Talks: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1f6ggFg9OBP5ZNsgMewojCkFe8tm-ONBk?usp=sharing Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LjehdFGekBP4CNOQPG5Y-K3WpjnYm7lv-vKlb4GM3SY/edit?usp=sharing   Statgen course at MGH Slides: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/or2694fo0xi180z/AADjM22rAc0XYm2gdJvse_aka?dl=0 Recordings: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/p6sfcpnouc619av/AADOSsAknwDKEv2wGi5MyEC-a?dl=0

“Analysis across Taiwan Biobank, Biobank Japan, and UK Biobank identifies hundreds of novel loci for 36 quantitative traits” published in Cell Genomics

Working with our collaborators in Taiwan and US, Mingrui Yu, Hailiang Huang and others published “Analysis across Taiwan Biobank, Biobank Japan, and UK Biobank identifies hundreds of novel loci for 36 quantitative traits” in Cell Genomics. Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have identified tens of thousands of genetic loci associated with human complex traits. However, the […]