Huang lab is awarded NIH R01 funding to carry out a genetics study of bipolar disorder in East and South Asia
NIMH has awarded Huang Lab a 5-year R01 grant to carry out a genetics study of bipolar disorder in East and South Asia. This is one of the four collaborative grants awarded to the Asian Bipolar Genetics Network (A-BIG-NET), including Huang lab, Kendler lab, Zandi lab, and Kuo lab. Working with leading investigators from East and South Asia, A-BIG-NET will establish a valuable genetic resource of 27,500 bipolar I cases and 16,000 controls, all with sequencing data, rich phenotypic information, and measures of key environmental stressors. A-BIG-NET will dramatically increase the worldwide diversity of genetics data on bipolar disorder, an important step to accelerate gene discovery in this disorder and advance global mental health equity.