Yan Xia

Yan Xia is a postdoctoral fellow in the Massachusetts General Hospital and the Broad Institute, advised by Dr. Hailiang Huang and Dr. Tian Ge.
She obtained her PhD in genetics from Central South University, supervised by Dr. Chunyu Liu. During her PhD training, she worked on sex differences of brain in DNA methylation and gene expression, which expanded the existed theory about sex bias in disease risk from the genetic liability model to a new transcriptome liability model. Yan was also involved in research collaborations with PsychENCODE Consortium, leading the sex difference analysis of psychiatric disorders. Additionally, she was actively involved in many other projects from genetic, epigenetic, to transcriptomic studies on drug response and case-control differences. Yan’s research focuses on studying the genetic regulation for complex disorders, especially dissection of psychiatric disorders. She is interesting in epigenetic regulation, especially the DNA methylation quantitive trait loci in East Asian population.