Kai Yuan

Kai Yuan is an Instructor and Investigator at Massachusetts General Hospital, mentored by Dr. Hailiang Huang and Dr. Tian Ge. His research focuses on integrating evolutionary and population genetics models with statistical genetics to study human complex traits and disorders, especially on psychiatric disorders and inflammatory bowel diseases.
He developed SuSiEx, a cross-ancestry fine-mapping method designed to combine genetic data from diverse ancestries, enhancing the power and resolution of fine-mapping analyses.

As a junior investigator, Kai received support from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award. His goal is to leverage his expertise in admixed populations and statistical fine-mapping to promote the inclusion of underrepresented groups within existing statistical genetics frameworks. By doing so, he aims to deepen our understanding of the biological mechanisms underlying human complex traits and contribute to the development of future treatments.